In the second part of the three-part series documentary presented by Benjamin Woolley, we saw the impact of the board games board games had in the past 200 years.
We discovered that British were the first to use a board game to develop "moral instruction" upon the players. Later, the game could be found in United States, as well. The US used them to create the idea of easy money with low efforts, known as the "American Dream".
The first major game to focus on this idea was Monopoly, where wealth and avarice are the primary keys of the game. Ironically, the game was created as a radical socialist game in Britain in 1913, now Monopoly is considered the capitalist of games.
Scrabble along with Monopoly and Cluedo survived until now despite the fact that these games were created shortly after the second World War.
Woolley also talks about how much the digital era influenced the board game industry. Games started to become more complex with new elements such as role playing like Dungeon and Dragons.
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